Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Days 130- 132

Days 130- 132
Monday July 7th- Wednesday July 8th

It has been a long time since I updated this blogerooni. I decided to take a few days to come in from the cold so to speak and headed back into midtown Ventuckey for a much needed respite. The Vixens were graciously kind (again) to let me set up the computer for a few days of editing, blogging, catching up on emails, writing, more editing, and then some more editing. It is crazy how these pix can accumulate throughout a month if I don't stay on top of it. Trying to piece it all together w/ my journal can be nerve racking. But after about 6 or so hours, at two in the morning somewhere around Tuesday I had finally blogged my way through June and into July. And we are underway yet again, please keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times.

After two days of editing and taking care of business, Onyt twisted my arm for a little ride on the fixies. She didn't have to twist too too hard. It was rad! We cruised through the fringes of midtown and easily could see why good ole' San Buenaventura could become Ventuckey, Bakersfield by the Sea! Some of the town can slum it with the best of 'em. Eventually we made our way over to the harbour, following the music. No seriously, we heard a band playing somewhere across the water and aimed for it. Finally we found it. Our reward: quarter Coors Lite drafts. NICE! Live tunes on the patio, very gentile waitresses in short skirts, sunset over the harbour, & cheap drinks-- you know where I will be next Wednesday, with a pocket full of change and a Kool-aid grin! Feel free to join me but don't be late.

The Klunker (by Schwinn) circa 1973.

Onyt rockin' the Suburban (by Schwinn) circa 1973.

The fixies and some old toothless dude that kept getting in the way.

We hear the music, we can almost taste the fish tacos!

If Bonnie & Clyde rode single speeds (they never would have been famous...)

Welcome ta tha Ha'bah', Guvnah'.

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