Friday, September 12, 2008

Days 194- 199

The Last Ten Days, pt. 2

Day 199
Sunday Sept 14th

Caught my first Patsies game of the seasona nd boy what an ugly win! It is going to be a long long season at this rate. Oh well, 2001 kid of started the same and included quite a bit of ugly football. It seemed to work out pretty well in the end as I recall. After the game I found a secluded spot in the sun for an afternoon naps. My how I miss my afternnon naps!

Later on after dinner I hit up the hot springs with Raspberry and Stutz. It was pretty chill for the first hour or so. Little did we know it was going to be the "in" spot for the full moon. It was like these dirty hippies wand frat boys were being dropped off by the bus load. By the time we left almost 30 people were crammed into the various pools in many assorted states of nakedness / drunkenness. We beat feet and left the insanity behind us.

I've never seen so many cars along the road for the springs.

At our camping spot, hanging in the living room. The full moon was SOOO bright, check out the shadows at midnight!

Day 198
Saturday Sept. 13th

So Giggles puts her arm around me and is like, "Hey lets walk down to the beach." Now as you read this you have to understand that you have to read that last passage with a sotto voce sorta voice, like a Eartha Kitt after 12 packs of cigarettes kinda voice. So of course I can't refuse. Off to the beach we went to check out the slackline. Little did we know that according to the state park police this is incredibly illegal and subversive activity. Did you know they carry guns? That was a surprise!

ps. sorry George Quarte, Ohio State got dominated! That had to hurt...

Slackline on the beach, totally illegal come to find out!

Giggles on the slackline (whats really noteable about this snap is that it is a four second handheld shot, pretty impressive I may say myself being handheld and all, even more impressive though is that Giggles refused to budge on the slackline for the entire four seconds. Crazy right.)

Johnny Law regulating.

Cinamon came a knockin' and we were busted again!

Day 197
Friday Sept. 12th

I had intended to catch up on all the work I missed out on the afternoon before. Unfortunately even though the tech problmes from yesterday had been resolved it was still not to be. I spent all night in this crazy text marathon with an old friend. By the time it was done and over with daylight was long gone and filming would have to wait.

text balls

Day 196
Thursday Sept. 11th

Swung by the SurfShak tonight to get caught on on some filming and voice overs. Unfortunately I struggled through the evening with technical problems and didn't really get much of anything done.
Sometimes that is just the way it rolls.


Si senor, hasta la victoria siempre! On y va!

Day 195
Wednesday Sept. 10th

I was up for another lazy afternoon. Sometimes it is hard to get motivated and start the ball rolling or continue the ball rolling. Today was one of those days. I really had no interest in doing anything. I have tons of loose ends that need to be wrapped up but today had no interest in pursuing any of them. Instead I hit up the beach. Then I walked around town for a bit before stopping to catch the last part of the BoSox game. I couldn't believe the game was still on. It took15 innings for the outcome to be decided. Unfortunately it was another Sawx lose. They closed out the series with the D-Rays by losing 2 straight at Fenway. Two games they absolutely needed if they had any thoughts of redeeming the penant race. Oh well, there is still a lot of baseball to be played. Hopefully those dang Yankees can help chip away at the lead when they play the D-Rays over the weekend. one can only hope.

Day 194
Tuesday Sept. 9th

I have to be honest, I was still a little spooked from the weekend. I spent most of the day Monday & Tuesday looking over my shoulder wondering when Johnny Law was gonna come kicked down doors and busting heads. I really needed to get some sleep, so I headed up to the Matilija where chances of being bothered are slim. I found a nice shaded spot overlooking the river and spent the remainder of the day finishing off the Wiseman book. A quick dip in the spring and it was time for bed. I slept like a rock, finally. Uneventfulness is bliss!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Day 196 - Thursday Sept. 11th
'Sometimes that is just the way it rolls..."

you'd gel right in @ my spot - NY, NY. Gonzo + 1, all on tha guest list... happy anniversary