Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Days 60- 67 (no pics)

Days 64- 67
Shaved my head once again, hung out w/ a hairy-legged hippy in Ojai, read a book-- okay two books but same story (1322 pages in four days), said screw the blog, paid some bills, found a new beer, spent some time smoking & joking by the beach in Encinitas with Kate, had a dinner that lasted until it was breakfast (what a blast!), hung out w/ Isabella & the wife, got crazy just rapping into the wee hours doing our best not to go gently into the night, found out my sister is having S-E-X (!), tossed this damn cell phone in the river/ spent 35 shivering minutes looking for the dang thing thigh deep in icy water/found it on the beach across the way totally dry (figures)/found it when a bill collector called and the ring clued me in to where it was hiding/hung up & was VERY tempted to toss it back.

Hammered out a new chapter for the book, spent a couple cold nights in the car here and there, gave up on photography, sent a couple emails about job aps, dreamed of Iraq & Germany, got stalked on the beach by Avenida wanna-be gangsters, went to work, did my best not to work, hung out w/ gay British underwear models, danced by myself at Paddy's, shouted at the clouds, wrote another letter & burnt it in the river bottom, climbed a mountain and stared at the sea, bought some new shoes/shed a tear for the old ones (lotta memories in those smelly suckers!), bumped my head, got stung by a bee and stubbed my toe, had a steak with Peaches and generally did my best not to go insane from boredom, found time again for photography, thought about picking up painting, said screw the broken hearts club band and went back to work.

Everything else is kinda a hazy mist from the last few weeks, all jumbled up like a wavy gravy bowl of pistachio pudding (pistachio pudding wishing it was butterscotch pudding to be exact) on the Tilt-A-Whirl going round and round until its tickets run up and the man in the greasy moustache & faded bowler hat gives it the boot. Yup that about sums it up...

Days 60- 63
Can someone please stop the world from spinning, I want to get off.

More to come (w/ pics) once I find internet access and a power supply, hopefully sometime this weekend or early next week.

1 comment:

Dylan Isbell said...

there's more life in there (your words, and experiences) than the average bear can consume in one 'sitting'. Enjoy the ride because most don't make the heighth requirement to ride the dang thing.