Friday, October 17, 2008

Matt Costa & Surf Porn

One Track Mind Movie Premiere
Patagonia HQ Parking Lot
Thursday Oct. 16th
Ventura, Calif.

Checked out the premier of One Track Mind, the newest film from Chris Malloy and Woodshed Films. Kelly Slater and the entire Malloy clan was there to introduce the flick. Seeing Slater up close and in person, he is a lot shorter then I thought. I could totally take him. Okay kidding really, just kidding Kelly, please dont hurt me... For those of you that couldn't make it to the Ventuckey, the movie is also premiering live and online via FaceBook. Gotta love this new techni-blo-logical world.

Although I make for a much better buoy then a real surfer, I do definately appreciate a good indie film. I am very interested by the various idiosyncrasies of surf culture today-- stuff like tradition Polynesian values and the mahalo vibe and how they intersect with the violence and commercialism of present day surf culture. Most traditional surf movies are really just porn with big waves and tanned riders. (Surf porn = lots of action, no plot, cheesy soundtrack, no real climax, rinse, repeat for duration of movie; see also climbing porn, skiing porn, or just plain porn porn) I had high hopes the Woodshed guys would break out from the norm and weave more of a structured narrative. In the end they came close-- a little narrative mixed in with lots of porn-esque sequences. The crowd totally ate it up.

The movie was great but for me the highlite was hanging out in a dark corner of the parking lot to listen to Matt Costa jam out. It was a ton of fun. He started w/ some pretty laid back new tunes he has been working on. Every now and again he would belt out a crowd favorite. It was super intimate and super fun. Admittedly I was a little jealous, Sara got to play the broom with him. Yup a broom, a push broom and she totally rocked out on that broom! It was best tub-thumping tummy rubbing tent revival broom playin' I've ever heard this side of the old muddy Wabbash! Aftwards we chatted Matty boy up for a bit under the spattering mercury vapor street lights as the moon gently rose over the Iron Works. Cool, yah very...

The Old Iron Works hanging ten-ish.

"Feel uneasy, I think of you less
My mind is so restless and I'm feeling depressed
Oh my, oh my, to see you with that spy
You lie, but I know cause I've got cigarette eyes."

"Your surprises wear disguises
All of your truths masquerade around on Hallow's Eve
So I'll never know what you show to unfamiliar faces..."

Dance with a stranger. Do it at least once a day.

"All the stars point me to you and lately they just drive me crazy
A universe can be so cruel so baby, baby be my lady

"I'm standing out here all alone
I need someone to take me home
She was standing next to me
There's room for you and room for me."

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