Monday, November 3, 2008

On the Road

On the Road
(with Obama?!? Heck yah!)

Tomorrow will prove to be an historic day in this nation's infancy. This of course signals the perfect opportunity for political tomfoolery. Y'all know I am always up for yanking someone's chain in grandiose style. So I have a boss as many of us do. He is much more then a boss admittedly, he is the campus President, the grand pooba, the high faluten, the end all be all really, and certainly a man not to be trifled with. Now I suppose none of you will really get this, it being an inside joke and all. And you see if you were in on the joke is that this particular campus president is rather proper. Not only is he rather proper in the stiff upper lip British sense but he is quite passionate about his propriety and indeed quite conservative. Conservative enough that I of course see eye to eye on most of his opinions. Conservative enough even that his office is appointed rather richly with paintings and portraits of GOP greats such as Reagan and Nixon and dare I say Ms. Olympia (see also Senator R-Maine, close friend). Conservative enough that he would never flaunt his affiliations nor be crass enough to ever wear his opinions on his sleeve (much less the bumper of his car).

That having been said I decided a few months ago to have a little harmless fun. A really interesting tid bit that know one would ever know about our president is that he is a huge Bing Crosby fan, not only that but I believe he once sang with the Bing Crosby orchestra. He has a beloved license plate holder that reads "On the Road with Bing Crosby." And so a plan was hatched. A tried in the cloth republican, our president would never ever consider voting for Obama, ever. I decided to create a pro-Obama bumper sticker and slap it on the big black Caddy. This morn we pulled off the coup!

Most people I work with never know when I am in the office or not. I sort of keep to myself. No one would ever expect the quiet hippy in the corner. (Its the quiet ones you have to look out for you know.) As of yet he still has no idea it was me. My only concern is that he does NOT read my blog...

Don't be afraid to be a part of history. Go vote!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It could only have been topped by a No ON 8 Sticker. I freakin love you man!it just kills me. I think I will sign him up for a National Gay & Lesbian Task Force & have all correspondence sent to office.