Been Painting
Vta, Calif.
Oct.- Dec. 2010
Its been too long. Too many excuses, motivations, procrastinations have come and gone and gone. Time to pick up a brush. Time to stare at stretched canvas. Time to turn the nothingness into somethingness. Time to start throwing paint around. Its long been overdue. Blank canvas, pure whiteness. White. Nothing. The absence of memory. Add color and memory comes to life. Thats all I do really, give memory shape and form and color and cloud out the whiteness.
So I was driving down the 101 this am, totally late as usual, brushing my teeth and tying my tie and fiddling w/ the radio trying to find NPR on the FM as I merged in and out of slow ass traffic. All of a sudden something falls in my lap. I look down. Its a big arse spider trying I swear to fit my whole leg in his mouth. I about drove off the road. I blame it on you, all of you. Totally your fault of course.
Yup. Anyhow I decided it was a flashing neon lit message from the powers that be to can the whole work idea and call in sick. So I did. Call in sick I mean. Fall is here and the weather is crisp and the sun is shining. Pretty soon winter will be here and the darkness will set in. No need to rush it. No need to spend all day in an office. Plenty of time to stare at dull ass walls when we're dead. So it was a beautiful day i picked up a cold sixer and headed home to jump back into my painting.
Yup thats right. Been painting, covered in it in fact right now. Head to toe, covered. blues, greens, pinks, purples and a thousand other colors that man just hasn't found time to name yet. I love it. Feels great to be back. I turned this big ass patio room that runs along the back of the house into a studio. I don't have a traditional studio per say. I don't even have traditional accoutrements of a serious painter. Instead I went to the beach and filled two buckets with sand. I found an old door and laid them down over the buckets to form a table of sorts. Nothing serious. Nothing a real artist would have. Instead I got me a couple five gallon buckets filled with sand from Surfer's Point and laid an old door across the top. It does the trick.
Who am I kidding. Its awesome actually. I can watch Tess running around in the back yard as I work. She is stoked. Has the whole place to herself. Loves it I tell yah. I got her a squeeky hamburger. She tears all over the back yard chasing it. She goes after it like a one toothed dog in a flee biting contest. Its hilarious. Its awesome. Makes me chuckle, sometimes bust out laughing. I dont care how loud I am. I am the only one here. Me and my paints. And my dog. A few beers. F-in good times dude, genuine really.
Best mood I've been in since the wife left me for that Punta Canaian soap sales man at the farmer's market. Left me. Grubby bastard. Good riddance. Painting the dirty whore bag wife a piece right now. I'm using heartbreak and dissonance as my primary colors. Left me. Left me? Fuck you! Definitely best mood I've been in since I moved outta the car back into the world of the house-bound. Genuine. Yah okay I've never been married. Never been so inclined. But it sounded good. And it seemed to compliment the story. So i went with it.
Painting is going well. Good to be back at it. Its been too long. Way too long. Haven't had a project likes this since before being homeless. Never had space to stretch out before. Hurts though. Its been too long. My brain needs time to adjust. The first week was hard. Kinda like going climbing after a long absence. Or snowboarding too I imagine. Maybe not. Wouldn't know. Never bothered with the snowboarding thing. Its a craze I'll leave to those crazy kids with the pink hair and designer jackets that smell like dope. Every muscles screams in protest. Hands hurt, fingers, toes, back, shoulders. Total pain. Same thing w/ my brain. Not used to being creative like this. Gotta think differently. Hurts though. Hurts so good. Pain is good. Means I'm stretching a foggy part of my thinking, part that hasn't been used in years. Way too long. Love it. Genuine.
I painted this two years ago. I hated it then and still hate it now.
So I painted over it and went to work afresh.
King Cole.
(painted over the canvas above)
More to come. Much more!